Dragon Premium

Get more done by voice

Speed through your to-do list today—simply by speaking. Create documents 3x faster than you can type, send email or search and surf the web. Even capture notes on the go for later transcription.

Create documents

Create reports, presentations, spreadsheets and more

Dictate, edit and format documents using Microsoft and other popular applications—all by voice—and get them done exactly the way you need with custom word lists and commands like:

“Start Microsoft Word”

“Set font size to 18 points”

“Spell that K-A-T-H-R-Y-N”

You can even create custom commands for frequently used text and graphics.

Web search

Search and surf the web

Use your voice to search the web or specific websites for facts, figures, directions, images for inclusion in assignments and documents and more, with commands like:

See what Dragon fans are saying

Email and calendar

Control your email and calendar

Dictate, edit and send messages with your favorite web-based email accounts and check class schedules, client meetings, kids’ activities and other appointments in your calendar with voice commands like:

“Click Compose”

“Click Reply”

“Schedule an appointment with John Smith”

Social and chat

Keep up with your social networks and IM chat messages

Use your voice to update and check your Facebook and Twitter status and pages, plus communicate with friends, coworkers and peers via chat clients with commands like:


Dictate 3x faster than you can type and in more places

Dictate text anywhere you would normally type within popular applications, and proofread with natural-sounding text-to-speech and audio playback. Additional functions include:

– Support for mobile dictation—transcribe notes captured on a digital voice recorder or smartphone

– Talk to fill out online applications, registration forms, shopping check-out fields and more

System requirements

We recommend minimum 2GB for 32-bit Windows 7, Windows 8 and 8.1, Windows 10; 4GB for 64-bit Windows 7, 8 and 8.1 and Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2012, Windows 10